Podcast in the works.

Jason and I will be doing a mousefest recap on my trip to Walt Disney world.  So be on the look out for it.  Don’t forget our youtube sites… Tony’s http://www.youtube.com/user/abovethefirehouse Jason’s http://www.youtube.com/user/JasonInSD Be on the look out for another video installment from JasonInSD

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CS4 is a hog. ;)

yes for those that know I got Adobe CS4 Master Collection.  It’s a hog to my editing system.  See this system is 4 years old but with the way things have advanced since then its very slow.  Here are the spects for you fellow geeks CPU Intel Pentium 4-  3.4GhzHT. Ram 2G DDR Video Card (more…)

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Let the editing begin

Yes now that all 8 tapes of HD footage is on my hoard drive, now comes the hard part.  well not hard but time consuming.  i have to now edit the footage that i have.  my main priority is a dvd that i am making for our friends of the magic event this year in (more…)

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