The latest info on my main system

Ok will I purchased a SSD but it was not enough space for me to migrate and then i got a1 TB SSD and i tried to clone the drive and got errors SO i had to do a clean install of windows 7 and i am in the process of installing whay I need (more…)

ATF show #65 out in a couple days

I’m just need to add my voice but I have guest over and it’s hard to finish and work weird hours. I have the content mixed I just need to add my intro and outro and some other stuff. sorry for the delay…

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Oh on Instagram now

I forgot to let you know this on here Please note i will not be following any one. I will use this only for when I go to the parks.  Sorry ..

Going to bed late but Im going to Disneyland

So I will be going for what will be my last time in a long time until I can get a car and a pass so Im thinking a year but that does not mean no more podcast. I am recording everything and watching what I can also got my dvd and blu ray projects. (more…)

SSL soon

I plan on in the next weeks adding a ssl so this site is secure if you make a donation, purchase, become a supporter etc..  What is a SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all (more…)

Now it’s time to say goodbye…

Hey every one I’ts official I will be going to Disneyland August 14 all day with Paul J Barrie Jr and that sadly will be the final time. We tried to squeeze in one more but prior engagements. Come on down and say goodbye for I don’t know when I will be able to afford (more…)

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Above The Firehouse Podcast Show 65 in production

Yes I am starting to work on show #65 with audio from my last visit to the park so please stay tuned. I know it’s been a while with out a car i cant get out to record new shows and missed out from sept to march. more info soon.

ATF064 will be posting shortly

I have to re upload the file for some reason it was all distorted so i am re mixing the show. stay tuned for it to post. lots of catching up to do with you guys….

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